Titre : | Ornis fennica, Vol. 86 - No. 1 - 2009 |
Type de document : | Bulletin : texte imprimé |
Paru le : | 01/01/2009 |
Année de publication : | 2009 |
Format : | pp. 1-40 / ill. / 25 cm |
Langues: | Anglais |
Mots-clés : |
THES'ENVIR AVIFAUNE ; éthologie animale ; Grand Tétras Tetrao urogallus ; Grimpereau des bois Certhia familiaris ; OISEAU ; ORNITHOLOGIE ; Vanneau huppé Vanellus vanellus |
Résumé : |
- Effects of male removal on reproductive success and provisionning in the Eurasian Treecreeper
- Dispersal and age at first breeding in Norwegian Northern Lapwings - The May diet of Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) in an extensively logged area of NW Russia - Marginal differences between random plots and plots used by foraging White-backed Woodpeckers demonstrates supreme primeval quality of the Bialowieza National Park, Poland - Abundance of crossbills, Siskins and cone-crops |
Catalogue : | LPO Coordination Rhône-Alpes |
Code-barres | Cote | Support | Localisation | Section | Propriétaire | Disponibilité |
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